Rake mailer

rake g report!

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Welcome to your new gem! This is a mailer gem to be used in rake tasks. Please see the usage section for simple setup instructions and how to use this gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rake_mailer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rake_mailer


Create a rake_mailer.yml in config

  from: 'gemin.patel61@gmail.com'
  emails: ['arjun.verma@gmail.com', 'kamal.soni@gmail.com']
  file_path: 'tmp/rake_mailer'
  display_system_info: true

Sample Rake Task will now look like

namespace :bug_fixes do
  task test: :environment do
    r = RakeMailer::FileWriter.new
    users = User.all
    r.file_writer("Total users found: #{users.count}")
  This will create a file 1465113400_bug_fixes:test.txt and mail it as an attachment. 
  Email settings will be used from rake_mailer.yml
  Must configure your application.rb or enviroments 'rb' files with action mailer setting.
  During initialization you can pass in 1 optional parameter for emails. It will over ride the default email list of config file.


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